Relocation Document Notarization

A certificate of pregnancy and an affidavit of self employment were both notarized for a individual relocating to “my” area. Relocating? Property management requires notarized signatures on documents? Call Upstate Mobile Notaries, LLC. Even in the middle of a workout, … Continue reading

Notary for Application for Passport for a Minor

Us-passportWhen you are the parent of a traveling minor who cannot sign his or her name party to a document because they are not legally able to do so for the fact that they are not the age of majority then call us. Those parents or legal guardians of the child must complete the application, but must also obtain a notarized copy of the affidavit section of the request form.

That was the case on Saturday, April 16, 2016 when the call rang in. This process was completed shortly afterwards by Notary Public Bethinina Gary at the Liberty Tax Service office located at 1563 Laurens Rd. Greenville, SC.